Monday, April 11, 2011


While shopping at a vintage store one day, my friend and I got into a discussion about handkerchiefs. I appreciate how beautiful they are but couldn't think of a use for them without ruining them. I just don't have the heart to blow my nose with a gorgeous handkerchief. Weeks later, I figured out that I can use them to keep crumbs off my lap during lunch at work. I now have two hankies, a My Melody one from Sanrio for everyday and an Innocent World floral one for when I'm in lolita. They just make a simple meal seem more decadent. I hope to get one from Alice and the Pirates one day with one of their illustrations.

I placed my reservation for the Time of the Roses jsk through Tokyo Rebel. I'm still waiting to hear if the order went through but the process was pretty simple. It's a great alternative since the San Francisco Baby store doesn't take online reservations. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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